Sun: Tab soars when CBC board flies executive

Another day, another ATI request from the Sun, another revelation. This time it’s the airfares of Board members. The CBC says it has a policy allowing board members to fly executive class. The Sun points out this would seem to contradict CBC Policy 2.3.23, Appendix A.


  • Anonymous says:

    Sorry, one more for dmc – it’s clear that obviously I am an inveterate cbc hater who only hangs around message boards. pity me for my life is a desperate and sad thing.

  • Kevin says:

    D’oh, so did I. 5:07, nothing but love and keep reaching for that lounge card.

  • Anonymous says:

    dmc 3:31 PM
    “of all the issues… this one is the dreariest”

    Wrong again. This issue illustrates perfectly that programming and production are the lowest priorities for the CBC elite who control each years parliamentary appropriations.

    But please don’t worry about how the other half live dmc because no ones going to fly you anywhere. You’ll be taking the bus for the rest of your life.

  • Voltaire2006 says:

    I need to correct myself. In my last post I referred to Anon 5:07. The person I meant to skewer was in fact the person who responded to good old 5:07, i.e. Anon 5:41.

    Sorry about that, 5:07. 5:41, my advice still stands.

  • DMc says:

    Of all the issues that people bitch about the CBC for, this one by far is the dreariest.

    Right on re: the length of trip and the nature of what you have to do. Sensible.

    Would that could be bottled and served up– first class, coach or in a dish in steerage where the anonymouses travel in their tiny little cages, gnashing their teeth on their little CBC-pickin bone.

  • Voltaire2006 says:

    Anonymous 2:06. Three words for you: Pierre. Karl. Peladeau.

    And Anon 5:07, please get over yourself. There’s no need to heap anonymous ad hominem attacks on someone who’s pointing out that being a road (or air) warrior is nowhere near as much fun as some people seem to think it is. I’d point out that the two of you agree on the main point: directors and senior execs should be subject to any reasonable rules and policies that are set out for employees.

  • Kevin says:

    Hey Anon 5:07, you edited out the parts where they said they’ve always flown coach and think board members should do likewise for short trips. What they suggest (basing policy on distance traveled instead of seniority or bare-faced cheekiness) is actually not the worst thing in the world, and is worth discussion.

    First class is ridiculous, and – dodgy media consolidation motives aside – people deserve a reaming in the newspapers if they have been abusing their positions. But if there’s a business class available over long distances, there might actually be an efficiency argument for it for rank-and-file and managers alike.

  • Anonymous says:

    anonymous 5:07 PM
    “I’m a manager… frequently my trips are over 7 hours… upon landing, I sometimes have meetings right away… I’ve missed birthdays, stat holidays, suffered extreme fatigue and food poisoning… would die to be in the executive class lounge…. policy should be revisited…

    What a whiner. What a big crybaby. You’re being paid to travel. You’re being paid to miss birthdays and stat holidays. You likely earn six figures for signing time cards and drinking coffee while everyone around you is working. You’re lucky to have a job because you do not have skills which are applicable to the real world. Bitching because you have to attend a meeting after a flight is the height of arrogance.

    No employee of the CBC should ever, under any circumstance, expect the Canadian taxpayer to subsidize their ego or lifestyle. If traveling is too tough on you then quit and ask your next employer to fly you first class to your meetings. Your posting should be published on the front page of every paper in the country. Unbelievable.

  • Anonymous says:

    I’m a manager and I am not permitted to book executive class. I travel coach, everytime, period. Unless when the moon is blue on a Friday the 13th and the cows are producing green milk and I have an upgrade that hasn’t expired and they have a spot – then I can fly Executive Class, and believe me, it makes a big, big difference. I think in ten years, that’s happened twice. Frequently, my trips are over 7 hours with a stop over in between and then another 2 hours or so. Upon landing at my destination, I sometimes have meetings right away. I’m not sure why a board member can’t take a two hour trip in coach. It’s a cake walk compared with some of the travel that some of us do. I’ve had some wonderful experiences travelling on behalf of the corp, but I’ve also missed family birthdays, stat holidays, suffered extreme fatigue and food poisoning and endured cancelled and missed flights. I’ve logged a lot of time in airports and would die to be in the Executive Class lounge. The policy should be revisited. it should be based on how long your trip is, not who you are.

  • Kevin says:

    I defy anyone in Toronto to fly to Halifax, and make decisions and operate heavy machinery the same day.

    I can definitely think of one person in the CBC crazy enough to do this, and she’s only ever flown coach.

  • Anonymous says:

    anonymous 2:06 PM
    “how is Quebecor Media doing”?

    Sunmedia and Quebecor would be doing a lot better if they received a $1.1billion handout every year. You can be sure that their management isn’t flying first class or staying in five star hotels.

  • Anonymous says:

    From where to where?

    And a policy is ineffective if there are no “Exective Class” seats.

    The examples given were Edmonton , Halifax, St. John’s, to Ottawa.

    The other directors are in the East and could walk to the meeting.

    I defy anyone in Toronto to fly to Halifax, and make decisions and operate heavy machinery the same day.

    Why couldn’t the PM Challenger be used for crown corporations on those meeting days? Mr. Harper is a man of the people and likes to fly coach and works well on arrival. He is superman.

    It is low rating season in the Sun chain right now isn’t it. And how is Quebecor Media doing?

    [ Why do we have to have a Google blogger ID to sign in? ]

  • Anonymous says:

    There are rules for managers (including mgrs in the REGIONS) and CBC board of directors and then there are rules for the rank and file. These SOB CBC managers always moan and groan about the lack of respect that they are generally given by their ‘co-workers?’ Well…you have to EARN RESPECT. Why should CBC management and B of Directors care about the cost of travel? It’s the taxpayers paying the price afterall.

    Rabinovitch once stated that CBC workplace needed a ‘shake up’…thus the lock out. I say most of CBC management should be given a ‘shake up’..let’s lock them freeloaders out!

  • Anonymous says:

    Don’t these people at The Sun realize that turning a blind eye to chronic mismanagement comes at a price?

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