Michael Geist: CBC to release program via BitTorrent

Not to get all Tod Maffin on your asses, but:
Sources indicate that the CBC is set to become the first major North American broadcaster to freely release one of its programs without DRM using BitTorrent.


  • Allan says:

    Amazing, Ouimet, that you could copy something Tod Maffin would say, hours before he says it.
    By the next morning, Tod had this story as an EXCLUSIVE.
    Later in the day he admitted that his fingers had slipped.
    That was perhaps even more predictable.
    Or as Tod puts it, “Oops!”

  • iNudes says:

    Note the confirmation on Geist’s page from Tessa Sproule, Executive in Charge of Digital Programming that Canada’s Next Great PM this weekend will be torrented (is that a verb?)

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