Sun: CBC brass take shining to pricey hotels

Rabinovitch blew $4,377 of taxpayer money on a 5-day stay in a luxury hotel in Turkey, in what the CBC is calling “a very wise expenditure of our funds.”
Keep those ATI requests coming in!


  • Allan says:

    Then let’s put all news into context – a simple headline “Shit Happens” would spare us the effort of reporting anything.

  • Voltaire2006 says:

    … and I loathe “inaccurrate” spelling. :)

    Honestly, like I said before, I am not in the habit of defending Bob and Nancy. I get cranky, though, when I see the Sun or anyone else taking a pot shot like this without making any effort to put the facts into context.

    I also expect there’s more than a little bit of the pot calling the kettle black here. Don’t try to tell me that the guys from the Sun chain don’t stay at the Crowne Plaza or the Fairmont when they could just as easily stay at the nearest roach hotel… I know better.

    Look at iNudes’s comment from 11:39 – he actually put in the ten seconds of work it took to go to the hotel’s website, where it’s easy to see that the rate quoted in the Sun “story” is the lowest rack rate at that hotel.

    If the Sun’s intrepid reporter were to put in a lick of work and come back with a comparative listing of where other (public and private) TV executives stayed on these kinds of trips, and how much each of them paid… or if he were to discover that the Ciragan Palaze Kempinski is right across the street from a Holiday Inn Express that charges 20 euros a night, including a massage, breakfast and hot and cold running hookers, then he *might* create a minor scandal. As it is, the story is just crap.

    Once more with feeling: I am not defending CBC management. I am trying to defend Canada’s public broadcaster against the kind of drive-by that would have earned any journalism student a failing grade.

    And before anyone asks: yes, I would say that right to the reporter’s face. Public service, my eye.

  • Allan says:

    No Candide, Voltaire

    The only bad journalism is inaccurrate journalism. This was a public service, letting us know what’s what with that.
    Good work. More, please.
    The only thing silly was putting it on the cover.
    Guessing these flunkies saw how hot Tea Makers was and wanted to get in on the market.

  • Voltaire2006 says:

    This isn’t the first time the Sun has taken a free shot at the Corp on a slow news day.

    Of course Bob & co. *might* have been able to spend less on their meeting (and God knows I’m not in the business of defending CBC management – far from it), but I can’t help but wonder what amount the Sun’s Ottawa bureau would find acceptable?

    It’s just bad journalism – if you can even put it under the general category of journalism.

  • Anonymous says:

    I wonder if they have that horrible industrial kleenex there?

  • iNudes says:

    Ok, I’m normally one of the first to complain about senior management, but I’m not sure I can this time.

    Looking at Rabinovitch’s stay at the Ciragan Palaze Kempinski, upon further examination, isn’t all that bad. That’s the hotel that the meetings were, where all the CEOs are staying, so I’m not sure that the CEO of a billion dollar company should have to stay at the holiday in across town and take a cab in every morning to save a few bucks.

    Looking at the price for the rooms, he got a very good deal. Right now if I tried to book two months from now, the cheapest room is 1,100 euros a night. If he was staying at the presidential suite at 10,000 euros a night, then I’d be ready to string him up.

  • Anonymous says:

    surprisingly bad judgement from a team of executives who are always crying poverty

    the CBC matters less than their own narcissistic needs

    where is the fiscal prudence?

  • Anonymous says:

    This is so what we don’t need to know. Berlin and New York are expensive places to stay and those two were senior executives of a $1 billion/year corporation. They were perhaps a little lux but it’s small change compared to the money squandered on shit like “The One”. I want to know how it is that a dog like “Triple Sensation” gets renewed, not what Stursberg spends on his facials.

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