Guest blogger: The Heartbreaking Loneliness of the End of Fiscal

Sent to me by Patrick March-Break.

Overheard outside the blue elevators on the 4th floor.
The news managers across the country are keeping their fingers crossed for the next few weeks, praying there isn’t a disaster, earthquake, tsunami, war or other major story.
It looks like CBC newsrooms across the country, but especially in Ontario, are going to be near-empty and they are asking if that disaster happens will the few overworked staff left will be able to handle it? (Yes they will be handle it because they’re talented but mistakes will happen with such short staff).

If it does, blame the stupid bureaucrats in Human Resources and their heavy handed crackdown on annual leave—insisting that all unused AL across the corporation be completed by the end of fiscal on March 31.
So while all families that normally take vacation during March break are jetting off , it appears that a significant number of CBC staff (not just in news) with unused AL or TIL will be on beaches and piazzas and cottages in the coming days.
Great for them of course, as I said everyone’s overworked and deserve a holiday.

The CBC HR department has never believed they actually work for an organization that produces news (especially now that news is the rock bottom priority under King Richard). After all, do you think HR cared that CBC didn’t cover Katrina during the lockout?

Perhaps the next thing we’ll hear is that CBC will shut down entirely during March Break (the audience is away anyway) just like Frank Stronach shuts down all the Magna plants a couple of weeks each year.


  • Anonymous says:

    Allan, you too can have control over your life and career choice.

  • Kevin says:

    Hooray for Allan, voice of the common man! The only time you schlep a vegetable is when you haul yourself from the laptop to the fridge.

  • Allan says:

    Stursberg and Gomeshi are overworked?
    They should join me as I keep the vegetable bins full at Dundas & Spadina while my friends fit curved glass on to the AGO in a near blizzard.
    At least we can look forward to listening to that great radio show Fresh Air as we tote that bale on Saturday and Sunday mornings.
    Thank you, stressed-out CBC workers!

  • Anonymous says:

    I said it earlier, I’ll sat it again.
    Do your homework before clicking those keys.
    Do you ever read anything other than what you’ve written?
    It’s not just Patrick saying it, it’s not just unions, there are actually academic and government studies available to prove that overwork. ALL news organizations have been cutting staff for the past 15 years. I’d estimate 95 % of journalists these days, print, TV, radio, online are overworked.
    Stress levels among the whole population. not just journalists, have been going up exponentially since 1980. when neoconservative economics came in.

    Enjoy March break navel gazing, Allan.

  • Anonymous says:

    This is so indside the beltway. The CBC has always either blown off the surplus on stupid projects or required stupid cutbacks based on suddenly realized shortfalls.

    Is this news?

  • Allan says:

    Overworked? Your observation about March Break and the shortage of staff is good, Patrick, but using the word “overworked” is for losers. Please don’t embarrass yourself and your union by whining that you have no control over your life and career choice.

  • Bytowner says:

    Unrealistic expectations at that office, I’m sure. Wishing everyone holding the fort across the country the best of luck!

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