Moncton Times and Transcript: CBC sends mixed messages on salary

Newspaper editor married to Moncton city hall clerk, angered at the CBC’s investigation of city hall’s salaries, writes another front page editorial on the matter. Only this time his readers are on to him, and let him know so in the comments.


  • Anonymous says:

    allan 11:30 PM
    “there are many people at the CBC who know me”

    yeah, you’re that obnoxious goof with the whiny voice

  • Allan says:

    Did you not learn anything from listening to Hubert?
    There are only a handful of people who post under their real names, and I happen to be one of them. Not that that makes me any less vapid.
    But how could you fail to know all about me by now, since you seem so personally focused on me. There are many people at the CBC who know me. You must be out of the loop.
    Would you like the name of someone at the CBC who knows me, who graduated from broadcasting with me? Works on the Rick Mercer show.
    Or you could just ask George.
    And keep knocking me all you want if it helps you. But I realized a lot time ago that until I can come up with a compelling argument against it, John Doyle will still be writing for the Globe & Mail.

  • Anonymous says:

    allan 8:37PM
    “Peter (Mansbridge) symbolizes the predictable and empty experience that CBC News has become”

    Maybe, but he still outshines the vapid and laborious
    postings of anonymous “allan” who bores and annoys
    with his condescending and narcissistic opinions.

  • Allan says:

    From day one he was irrelevant and dull. He can’t even carry on an interesting discussion. I don’t think he could even command the attention of a small classroom. Just talking about him puts people to sleep.
    Everyone knows that Kieth Morrison was the best. Steve Paiken too outshines Peter.
    It’s discouraging to see these long-term contracts and always playing it safe.
    How long, for example, before CBS admits their mistake and pulls Curic?
    How long before Peter has made enough money and moves on?
    He started in ’88, and apparently no journalist has come along in twenty years that’s any better. Did they think he would turn into something? Something like Walter Cronkite? Has he?
    Peter symbolizes the predictable and empty experience that CBC News has become.

  • iNudes says:

    “Would he fly on any other network? Not in a competitive market.”

    Oh come on Allan,Lloyd Robertson is the definiition of “performance as a journalist seems to have ended decades ago”

  • Anonymous says:

    Say what you want about Peter, but he is the boss. He runs the newsroom like Putin runs Russia…

  • Allan says:

    Apart from the National, I don’t see him doing anything else of any value.
    I realize he’s dependable and well-behaved, and that people should be allowed to earn as much as they want, but his performance as a journalist seems to have ended decades ago.
    Would he fly on any other network? Not in a competitive market.
    And no matter how they dress him and stand him in front of some foreign landmark, it still comes off as a complete bore.
    I don’t care for him.
    I want a reporter that for some reason makes me care about them.

  • Anonymous says:


    People who manage the pay system have told me he earns well over (1) One million dollars a year if you include all the shows on NW and specials. And other contracts.

  • Allan says:

    Any truth to the guesstimating that Mansbridge is paid over $500, 000 a year? After 20 years, is any other broadcaster in the world still interested in stealing him away from the CBC?
    Please do.

  • Anonymous says:

    The Moncton Times makes some valid points. The CBC receives over a $billion every year yet its “shareholders” have no idea how that money is being spent. When did Canada become a totalitarian state? An independent audit is long overdue to ensure that the CBC’s resources are being managed prudently, efficiently and without political influence.

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