She has 2 black belts in Choi Kwang Do. She’s a a licensed detective. She makes lampshades. she wrote How to Win Friends, Kick Ass, and Influence People. Until recently, she read news on the CBC. That’s over. Now she’s a real estate agent.
Good luck, Lynne. We’ll miss you.
A few people suggested tumbler to me. I took a look. It doesn’t have a commenting function.
tumbles … see
Good advice, Hugh.
This was meant to be a link to the National Post, and then it got out of hand. And when I finished it, I realized it was a miniature post. So maybe I need another blog for these mini-posts?
Just kidding!
I’m going to try to follow your suggested policy, Hugh.
And if Lynne is reading, I hope you don’t get too broken up over being in the link farm. It’s not such a bad place to be, is it?
i hate to keep complaining about technicalities here, but this is a *post* with content (ie sentences you have written, and numerous outgoing links). it is not a *link* (which, as the name implies, is a link – tho you can get away with a short description on a link too).
so now your users have left “post” column with posts and content; right “links” column with posts, links, and content, and sometimes just links.
and a usability headache from not knowing where to look for the different stuff you are posting.
i will be bold & suggest a policy:
1. left column is for posts (ie several sentences of original or quoted content)
2. right column for links (ie a single outgoing link, possibly with a short – say 150ish char max – description).
Was she fired? Does anyone know what happened? and you want to talk about it here?
Such a shame. Sorry Lynne. We all really liked you.
Fire Dick Now?
Ahh, memories. Last time I heard that was at Burning Man.
another stupid decision made by Dick
Lynne Russell was brilliant
maybe Dick was scared of her