Guest blogger: Cruickshank makes his move

Sent to me by an anonymous reader.

You probably have heard this already but John Cruickshank has made his first major move. Finally, after all these years, making the online news folks really part of the news service. Not a servant to TV, not the peasants of Digital Platforms and Business Development, but part of News.

Which means that the reporting lines will no longer be through the mediocre mismanaged mini-Microsoft created by Claude Galipeau.

The buzz is that Cruickshank has more moves in the weeks ahead. The one big success he had with the Sun Times when it was being destroyed by Black and Radler was the online division, remember.

Who knows? Stursberg may have actually hired someone who has brains and strong will. After all, he did survive the Black-Radler fiasco.

Here’s hoping.

Have a good weekend, and please keep me anonymous.


  • Claude says:

    This is nonsense. I did not fire the most number of people in the history of the CBC. Do you not remember the layoffs in the 80s and 90s? If people have been leaving recently, as you claim, that seems to be after I left. In fact, I hired many of those who decided to move on. The great thing about is that it has enormously talented people working there who are in high demand in the new media industry, in Canada and abroad. That’s a plus, not a negative.

  • Harry Backslapper says:

    re: Claude

    Picking on the unemployed is just tasteless. Especially while they are desperately job hunting. Leave Claude alone, haters.

  • Anonymous says:

    Part of the turnover was the fact the Claude has the reputation as the one single manager who fired more people than any other manager in the Corpse’s 70 year history.

    Most of those people ended up with much similar or better jobs, so they weren’t incompetent (lucky them to get out of the Corpse!).

    Claude probably would have fired the entire news and design staff if they hadn’t been in the Guild.

    As for management, Claude took a lean organization and turned it into a bloated budget busting bureaucracy while the units that actually created the website were squeezed dry.

  • Anonymous says:

    Hi Claude,

    Do you think that perhaps the record turnover in has anything to do with mis-management of this area of the Corp? People have been fleeing this sinking ship for quite a while now…

  • Claude says:

    Oh, I see. This site has “pre-moderation” in place. So, the Tea Makers are not as free and open as they pretend to be.

  • Claude says:

    I hardly see how record growth for, and that the service is now firmly anchored in CBC media offerings, amounted to “mis-management” on my part or that of the team we had in place at that time.

    I agree: best of luck to Cruickshank.

    Claude Galipeau

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