Space still available!

Aw, crap in a hat.


  • Anonymous says:

    “Neverland” will be up for sale soon.

  • Anonymous says:

    no thanks.

    “AMAZING opportunities await you in the New Territories…..”

    Ummm lest we forget the curse of the Blade Runner Billboard logos. Anyone want to buy some Atari shock? Anyone? Anyone?


  • Allan says:

    How come only CityTV could see the obvious?
    The incredible potential of Dundas Square as a media center for english speaking Canada.
    But then, no one in Vancouver has picked up on English Bay as the greatest backdrop for broadcasting on the west coast!
    The Blade Runneresque environment of Dundas Square, with all the giant screens, stands waiting for broadcasters to wake up to their new home for the next thirty years.

    Imagine looking up and seeing the windows of a building brightly lit from studio lighting and knowing that Russel Crowe is being interviewed in there right now. And there he is on the screen above!
    Or reporters spread out to gather public opinion live during the noon news.
    Or George looking over his shoulder to see John Mayer performing below.

    LIKE, NOW!

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