Monthly Archives: October 2007

It’s easy going green

I was asked to distribute this far and wide.Click for the larger version, and print it out.Enjoy.~O

Do you smell something?

Johnny Happypants tips us off to this vaguely condescending Hollywood Reporter article written by smug Americans. But they get the numbers right. That smell? It’s stinky ratings for new CBC shows. 264,000 for Triple Sensation. 450,000 for No Opportunity Wasted. 306,000 for St. Urbain’s Horsemen. This is Stursberg’s year, remember. None of these projects have […]

The artist’s notebook

From the 5th floor:What appears to be the original sketches for Fired CBC Employee Being Escorted Out by Security, the 1st floor blue elevator masterpiece which was stolen in 2006. For what it’s worth, my offer to buy the original from the art thieves still stands (


I’m a big fan of Dragons’ Den. I know I gave the first episode of season 1 a lukewarm reception, but the truth of the matter is that I watched every episode afterwards, and found myself looking forward to the show each week. Season 2 is even better, although the ratings are not so hot. […]

ex-CBCers who blog

Had way too many beers with Gzowski this week at the Red Lion. He’s writing a book about cannibalism – says it’s a metaphor for the CBC, except cannibals eat the dead … to survive at the CBC you eat the dying. Recently I started reading Don Young’s fantastic Damaged Goods. On July 1st, 1979 […]