Guest Blogger: Beancounter to succeed Burman

Sent to me by “You Know Who.”

They’re gonna divide and conquer at NCAN.

On Friday a new job will be posted for the Executive Director, who’s gonna be in charge of the “business” end of things. This person will work closely with Digital Platforms and Business Development (you know – “new media”) to make sure the news goes on all new platforms, all the time.

He or she will be the prime bean counter for NCAN.

Only when the Executive Director of NCAN is on board, safely counting beans, will the Editor-in-Chief job be posted, and that job will be to be the Editor-in-Chief responsible for editorial content. That being what we call “the news.”

So it will be somewhat be like a newspaper with a Publisher controlling the purse screens and unless the Editor-in-Chief is a powerful Burmanlike personality, that Editor-in-Chief will be a puppet with the Executive Director, chosen of course by Stursberg, pulling the strings.

Here we go.


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