Unsubstantiated rumour day

It’s Friday, and like a Facebook search for “Leah McLaren,” I have nothing for you.

It looks like it’s going to be a lovely day. So why not post an unsubstantiated rumour in the comments? Your boss will be so busy doing “damage control,” you will be able to slip out to the park for an ice-cold Coca-Cola.

Keep it clean. Keep it anonymous. Don’t get any on yourself. And anything mentioning “Canadian Culture” will be deleted without prejudice.


  • Anonymous says:

    “Anonymous said…

    Everybody actually thinks Little Mosque on the Prairie is a terribly unfunny show with very questionable politics but is afraid to say anything.”

    That would be assuming anyone has actually watched an episode.

  • Kevin says:

    Ah now, give it a chance, it might be funny.

    (Also, the radio schedules are correct, and stories filed in that timezone are as well. Weather looks fine too. Thanks for the minor coronary infarction.)

  • Anonymous says:

    It means that this,

    “The Second City’s Next Comedy Legend
    Join host Trish Stratus for an exciting and hilarious talent search program that crosses the nation looking for Canada’s next Second City star!

    Tuesday at 9 p.m.”,

    the first thing I saw on the page, is incorrect.

  • Allan says:

    George is now dating Drew Barrymore, and Tom is taking it surprisingly well.

  • Kevin says:

    “Everything posted on the new look cbc.ca has, since launch, been ignorant of the Newfoundland time zone.”

    What does that even mean?

  • Johnny Happypants says:

    The CBC will be getting the Over-80s World Cricket Finals next year and we’ll have to suffer another round of boring cross promotion across all programming.

  • Anonymous says:

    Everything posted on the new look cbc.ca has, since launch, been ignorant of the Newfoundland time zone.

  • Anonymous says:

    Great, they’ll have George down connecting with the street just as he is becoming too old for that act.

  • Anonymous says:

    The closing of the CBC Museum actually took place May 31st. They’ve been doing inventory for the last month so we haven’t seen anything change. All the items are to be packed up and shipped to a basement in Ottawa, never to seen again.

    The unsubstantiated rumours I can concoct pertain to what they are going to do with the space. Maybe they’ll put a big flower pot in the middle of the empty room and leave it like that for a few years, like the empty restaurant downstairs.

    I suspect they’ll move ST43/65 (which does the The Hour) down into that space. ST43 has some equipment that actually came from Jarvis Street 15 years ago so it is due for an upgrade. Rather than retrofit in its current location, they’ll build it with new equipment in the Museum location on the ground floor a la CITY TV. Just my guess.

    ST43’s old location they’ll use to put in that giant aquarium they were talking about a few years back. Or maybe that’s going to be put where the Design dept was…

  • Anonymous says:

    Advertising revenue was wildly overestimated for last year requiring even more fanciful overestimates for the coming fall/winter season.

  • Barbara says:

    Frank is a total rag written by 12 year olds and if that’s not true I’m surprised… It reads like it is…

    I do have a rumour… there is a horned duck in the bottom of the Casey and Finnegan tree house….

  • Anonymous says:

    Tony Burman is flying to Chicago to meet with Patrick Fitzgerald and he’s taking with him a suitcase full of CBC management secrets, including all those cross border letters (mail fraud) and e-mails (wire fraud.)

  • Anonymous says:

    I saw Ralph Benmergui in the atrium a couple of weeks ago.

    I haven’t slept since.

  • Ouimet says:

    Can we leave the children out of this, please?

  • Tod Maffin says:

    The Strombo/Layfield report is not true. Personally, I think they both should have sued Frank.

  • Anonymous says:

    They are so, slowly, shutting down the museum. The only ‘history’ the corpse cares to preserve is the decrepid old producers who keep making the same sort of shows because they’ve already got that pattern of linear editing down.


  • hugh says:

    ouimet and allan are the same person.

  • Anonymous says:

    Christine Wilson was caught with a sling shot at the edge of the atrium on the 7th floor firing yellow CMG balls at kids during Kidsummer in an effort to get them to quiet down.

  • anonymous 18:18 says:

    I like the little graphic you posted.

    “Toronto change city”

    Yes, lets.

    ” And now [beat] from the Broadcast Centre [beat] in Edmonton, here is the National[beat, beat] with Claire Martin.”

  • Kirstine (not Kirsten) says:

    The whole dept may have gone home early,I didn’t notice since I’ve been laughing so hard at the comments (except the dating the daughter, she’s seven, that’s just gross)and now I have to get changed and catch that flight and all…have a good weekend.kl

  • Bill Lee says:

    Radio-Canada is going to take over all drama broadcasting for the CBC, first up with a remake of Les Plouffes in both languages, semi-live five nights a week.

    Ralph Benmurgi?

    Layfield bought a leather motorcycle suit and every weekend flies to whereever the bearded Georgio is to ride the Honda
    Goldwing with him.

    CBC technicians are working out ways to get CBC off the power grid for much of the year.

    There’s going to be an 8 pm 2 minute TV newscast, just because the BBC is trying it as a youf’ getting measure.

    All radio news is going to be on th half ‘our so as not to compete with private on-the-hour radio.

  • Anonymous says:

    Strombo and Kirsten Layfield? In her dreams, maybe.

    But you didn’t hear it from me.

  • Jay says:

    Compare the Women’s World Cup Broadcast Schedule (in Sept.) to the omnipresent U20 Men’s tournament:

    Sun., Sept. 30
    Third-place match
    4:45 a.m ET LIVE

    World Cup final
    7:45 a.m. ET LIVE

    Third-place match
    11:00 p.m. ET ENCORE

    World Cup final
    1:00 a.m. ET ENCORE

    (See link above.)

  • Anonymous says:

    So, I heard that the alleged “open call” for show pitches for Radio 2 was a set-up.

    The powers that be had most of the schedule set *before* calling for proposals. A lot of the process was (a) pointless busywork for people who were going to get laid off anyway, and (b) a means of giving false hope to the people who were going to get reassigned.

    I mean, who the hell pitched “Nightstream”? I’m guessing no one. Same goes for Canada Live. etc.

  • Anonymous says:

    Mr. George Layfield.

  • Anonymous says:

    Everybody actually thinks Little Mosque on the Prairie is a terribly unfunny show with very questionable politics but is afraid to say anything.

  • Anonymous says:

    No one actually likes Little Mosque on a Prairie.

  • Anonymous says:

    Come on, stop being so boring, CBCers!

    Was that Barbara Budd I saw ducking into the wheelchair bathroom with Strombo?

    Did I see Michael Enright spit off the balcony into the atrium the other day?

    Was that Luba Goy dining and dashing from Ooh La La!?

    Was that Kids CBC Patty taking naughty photos with Glenn Gould out front?

    Did Evan Solomon spraypaint those swears in one of the plum elevators?

  • Anonymous says:

    What about those Strombo/Kirsten rumours mentioned here earlier? Can anyone confirm, deny or add salacious details?

  • Anonymous says:

    I’m Leaving the Corpse.

  • Anonymous says:

    Which high-level senior executive and his on-air girlfriend have a difficult time keeping their tongues in their own mouths in public? Apparently the sight of the two of them at dinner has been known to stop conversation and ruin appetites.

  • Anonymous says:

    Is it true that Stursberg’s “Little Richard” saw some action in a photocopy room with a senior-level ice queen from communications (who is thankfully no longer with us)?

  • Anonymous says:

    My boss? I haven’t seen my boss in days. No one here works in July!

  • Anonymous says:

    Are they really going to close the CBC Museum? I read that rumour here, but is it true?

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