Today in CBC history

On this day in 2006, portly CBC Chief Technology Officer and Senior Nerd Raymond J Carnovale attempted to pass through the turnstile to the plum elevators. His passcard was rejected, the turnstile locked up on him, and he nearly damaged his dongle.

While the coffee he was carrying was not severely spilled, the surveillance video of the event caused much mirth in IT’s so-called “Action Center.”

Carnovale was heard to curse: “Confound it, we need to get doors like Montreal has!”

And thus, the mighty Barriers of Security we now depend on to defend our broadcasting asses were born. Spake Carnovale:

Drilling should be involved. Who knows? We might find oil down there.

Before the drilling, gamma rays, from which we will build a race of green-skinned visible minorities, shall bathe the nether regions of the building.

No expense shall be spared, and that the portals might not work all the time is of no consequence. Just build them.


  • amanda says:

    speaking of CBC history, we’re showing “Happy Gilmmore” again.. how many times is that now, 4 or 5?

    What, we own the rights to this movie or something??

  • Anonymous says:

    Yet another great example of design – not. In order to get in, one must flash one’s card in front of the little reader. It is about three feet off the ground.

    Security, meanwhile, gives access badges with lanyards that go about the neck, with instructions that each employee must wear their ID at all times.

    I hope they increase coverage for physiotherapy, because the number of people I see hunched over trying to get the *$@# card in front of the reader would provide enough for a 4PM comedy series. Hey….

  • Allan says:

    … and in time, you’ll easily spot the staff with the most seniority. They’ll all have a nose like Owen Wilson.

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