Sent to me by various readers.


  • Th'PonyToBetOn says:

    Being in the employ of a sibling Clown Copulation, it amazes me that talent such as this thrive in the crown corporate cultures. Seems to me the best one can expect are Capons of Management, at worst, saboteurs like these.

  • Th'PonyToBetOn says:

    Being in the employ of a sibling Clown Copulation, it amazes me that talent such as this thrive in the crown corporate cultures. Seems to me the best one can expect are Capons of Management, at worst, saboteurs like these.

  • Th'PonyToBetOn says:

    Being in the employ of a sibling Clown Copulation, it amazes me that talent such as this thrive in the crown corporate cultures. Seems to me the best one can expect are Capons of Management, at worst, saboteurs like these.

  • Allan says:

    Guess it’s part of SKEDULE GIRL’ s job to know what people are thinking.
    Certainly from the look in her eye, it would appear she knows exactly what I’m thinking right now.

  • mike says:


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