Monthly Archives: May 2007


(WTF?) – what happened?

I love the Arts. Well, most of them, anyway. Doesn’t everyone? So it stands to reason that I should love A lot of work goes into it. It has the resources of the public broadcaster behind it, multiple editors, a team of full-time writers. It’s beholden to no advertisers. It should be excellent. I […]

Rabinovitch planning early exit?

From Our Public Airwaves’ latest newsletter: CBC insiders say that Bob Rabinovitch is considering an early exit as corporation president before his term ends in November by taking advantage of unused annual leave. The rumour mill says Rabinovitch wants to leave early because he’s bored with the job, is a lame duck anyway and is […]


The CBC never met a loser video website it didn’t like. The MO is to upload a shoebox of miscellaneous, undated clips and see what happens. Usually not much.Now we’re partnered with the HandHeld Entertainment Network, which among other things gives our video a place of pride on Yes, that’s right. Please don’t tell […]

Making news (out of nothing at all)

Let me say straight off that I don’t trust those sons of bitches at Friends of Canadian Broadcasting. Maybe it’s the communist-sounding name. Maybe it’s because the Canadian media always calls on Ian Morrison whenever they need an opinion about Canadian Broadcasting, like there’s no one else who can talk about it. Maybe it’s their […]

Allan: No sex, please … I’m Canadian

Sent to me by our friend Allan.Enjoy.~O Is it wrong to associate the swiping of security cards as you enter the CBC proper with the symbolic severing of the dangly parts that men have below the belt-line? When recently posted a note about meteorologist Clare Martin moving to Vancouver, I submitted a comment. It […]

The secret to our success

Last week Richard Stursberg sent out a rather lengthy note that could have been entitled “Reminding You of Our Successes.” For each show there is a PARC target, indicating how we expect the show to perform in terms of public values (P), audiences (A), revenues (R) and costs (C). Successful shows are those that hit […]

Blogs that make me think

I won an award for my blog. Paul Gorbould gave me an award for being one of 5 Blogs That Make Me Think. The way this works is that I’m supposed to pick 5 that make me think, like a chain letter. This was harder than I thought it would be. I’d love to read […]

Farewell to Sue

As many people emailed me yesterday, was further de-Claude this week with the departure of Sue Gardner, Senior Director of Something or Other at and Ouimet doppelgänger. There’s no doubt that on her watch grew and prospered, especially for News, but she was also responsible for the banner ads on the site, […]

This day on

In a weird bit of synergy on’s homepage today, doesn’t the iTravel guy in the insulting Mexican garb resemble the allegedly “smiling” Conrad Black?And while we’re at it, maybe an ad for Cancun isn’t the wisest choice when this is one of our top Canadian news stories.

Fear of a Black Broadcaster

Last week was “Spring Cleanup Week” in the TBC. The Real Estate department encouraged us to organize office cleaning parties and advised us that cleaning staff were on hand. We could call them if we wanted them to vacuum. Now, a CBCer in her natural habitat is a filthy sight, but there’s no reason for […]

May 10, Simcoe park

Like you needed a reason to go to the park on Thursday. See you there.

An indecent proposal

To: alphonse.ouimet@gmail.comDate: May 2, 2007 2:25 PM Subject: Review WKRP In Cincinnati From: Hey, I was checking out your Different Strokes blog entry: and I think you may be interested in WKRP In Cincinnati Season One now available on DVD. I’m contacting you on behalf of M80 and Fox regarding this new DVD […]

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