Guest blogger: What does a gay person listen to?

This was sent to me by Allan.

Proud FM will tell you this, and more, at 103.9 FM in the Toronto market, and of course readily available at their web page.
Apparently a lot of upbeat disco music.
Who knew.
And there’s a lot of it on Proud FM.
Also giant personalities, like Maggie Cassella.
They even lay claim to promising a live web-cam coming soon.
An exciting new venture in broadcasting; another birth.
Born April 16, 2007, the world’s first “gaydio station”, as the Toronto Star calls it.
Coming at a time when terrestrial radio is nearly worthless.
Coming shortly after Air America lost Al Franken, and Mike Bullard was laid off at XM, and even ex-CBC’er Moses Znaimer can buy his own radio station to listen to while taking a bubble-bath.

A similar issue faces CBC and, which are becoming smaller and smaller fish in the larger sea.
As more and more choices for media become available, and a variety of delivery systems, each one is competing for our time. The iPod uniquely competes with all media, just as cellphones are trying to do.
Satellite television in your pocket is a near reality.

What will we watch?
The CBC?
Or CTV, C-Span, CNN?
Howard Stern doing his radio show for five hours, four days a week.

While the CBC is busy doing what the CBC does, it’s planetary size is evolving in the broadcasting universe.
Good thing it’s a government operation.
But it’s not only delivery systems that are changing, such as the soon to be released multimedia-of-the-internet-in-your-pocket iPhone.
It’s also the content itself, the free speech spirit of the internet becoming a new standard for communicating news, and as the program choices offered by Sirius/XM become more readily available..

Millions of people are willing to pay for the pleasure to listen to The Howard Stern Show.
No other broadcaster can make that claim.
No other broadcaster is in his league.
And Howard is firm in his belief that Satellite Radio will become the dominant medium.
And his success is impossible to deny or diminish.
But what this really means is that every broadcaster will find themselves competing with the integrity, honesty, humanity and courage of Mr. Howard Stern.
And that’s a very good thing.


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