a nIEW segment


  • Anonymous says:

    Is that Kim D’eon sitting there at the Gill table?

    Question – if she comes back on CBC does she use her old time Halifax /
    Street Cents hoser accent or her newly purchased ET Canada /Southern-Ontario pre-packaged lame-ass, watch-too-much-american-tv mallrat narcissist accent?

  • Anonymous says:

    Those are sure some great high-tops the woman on the right is wearing.

  • Brooksie says:

    I watch the show regularly. I am not a housewife or mother so I skip those segments or entire shows. I just cannot connect. I work from home so I watch while I do some easy work on my laptop. But I preferred the first version minus the Cranium which was fun but not necessary. The show seemed more lively.

    Why do I still watch? I like the environmental segments and the cooking segments most. I like the fashion and home segments because they tend to feature things I can actually buy. The one on one interviews are good and I am starting to enjoy the round tables they have on the show. A little.

  • annie says:

    La Fosse aux lionnes? Oh Christ, that’s a dreadful show. And one of their signatures is using really stupid akward-looking microphones.

    If the Ceeb insists on still doing programming during the day, can we at least modernize a little and stop aiming everything at housewives? It’s not the 70s anymore.

  • Allan says:

    Who’s Moses Znaimer?

  • Montreal-View says:

    Copying Radio-Canada again!

    SRC has La Fosse aux Lionnes (Lionness’ Den) where three women and a guest chatter, comment on English and French press clippings and the ideas of the day.
    It gets weak reviews, but is a nice fill for the late afternoon and rebroadcast at midnight.
    This season has changed two of three hostesses.


    Will Gill/Jill bring in Madame Janette Bertrand and her forthrightness?

    Is everything on SRC going to be “translated” for CBC by Moses Znaimer as he did Rumeurs/Rumours?

  • Mike says:

    I really enjoy watching the GILL show. It’s lighthearted (as compared to “lightheaded”, easy to watch and entertaining. Oh, include informative as well. It’s a refreshing watch. Good job I say.

  • Allan says:

    The topic I would most like to hear them discuss is – “How do we save this show?”
    The main difference I see between the old show and the new show is that with the original you could already see such a high quality of content and production that a boxed set of DVD’s for young parents and single women was a realistic possibility.
    The new show would make really good radio.

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