Monthly Archives: March 2007

Hockey Fight in Canada

Ever see corporate lawyers circling their prey in their natural habitat? Then feast your eyes CBC legal going after for copyright violations, ordering a cease and desist and an immediate handover of the website under threat of legal action. Partly at issue is the logo, and the Tea Makers Legal Team advises they may […]

Danielle Charbonneau thanks her music stakeholders

This was an email sent to a listener, in response to his concern over the cancellation of Music for a While on Radio 2. It was ostensibly written by Danielle Charbonneau herself, but more obviously written by some English Communications Drone with a big glass of Kool-Aid on his desk.The results, my friends, are not […]

Silent by design

A few things bothered me about that design dept video I posted Sunday. The secrecy seemed unnecessary. And why did they wait so long to make it? It was more than 1 year ago that CBC management decided to close down the department, and since then they have been working with the CMG on other […]

Lynne Russell’s Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea

Are they doing the show from a submarine now?Bonus for Lynne Russell fans! Did you know that you can buy lampshades handsewn by the lady herself?

What we’re really losing

This comes to us from Circles Around the Square, with the caveat that “the source of this video prefers to remain anonymous.” But I think we all know where this came from. Just look at it. Not only is it very good technically, it also makes a pretty strong case for keeping the CBC Design […]

Smoke like Gzowski

You probably heard about the National Post/Global exposé on the CBC’s smoking rooms. Came close on the heels of the taping of the Deal or No Deal craptravaganza, didn’t it? One minute public and private broadcasters were smoking and wheezing in harmony on the 10th floor, the next minute Global is pulling back the curtain […]

Tea Makers 2-point-nothing

They said I broke my back.They said that I was smoked out. That I was found out. That I was burnt out. That the committee that writes this blog had “creative differences” and squabbled itself into oblivion. They said that I ran out of things to say. And in the meantime Stursberg got his hit, […]

Saskboy: CBC tells me I’m smart

Sent to me by Saskboy.Enjoy.~O Being left with some unintended spare time on Monday, I came across someone who had taken the CBC Test the Nation IQ contest. Being the average sort of person who enjoys seeing just how well I can beat a test, I ventured inside. There was a list of survey questions […]

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