Monthly Archives: August 2006

CBC lockout: one year later

Globe and Mail readers: If you’re looking for an example of this blog’s “tough love aimed at CBC management” you could do worse than read why we are frustrated. And thanks to Guy Dixon for taking the time and effort to get it right with his piece today. Today Lise Laureau writes: Today marks the […]

CBC Blogging Manifesto

When the lockout ended last year, most of the CBC bloggers packed it in. I considered it, but changed my mind. I wrote then-Ombudsman David Bazay to ask him about the legal and ethical ramifications of CBCers who want to blog. He said that all CBCers are subject to CBC’s Journalistic Standards and Practices, and […]

Canada’s love affair with the Leafs continues unabated

You asked for it, Canada, and you got it! Canada’s inexplicable fascination with the Toronto Maple Leafs, despite their brutish manner of play and decades of losses, is reflected in this season’s schedule of Hockey Night in Canada, in which the CBC continues its commitment to Canadian taxpayers and broadcasts a Toronto Maple Leafs game […]


I’ve watched this video a number of times now, and I’m still not sure what it “proves,” besides that the guy who made it shouldn’t be working with video. It kind of looks like the bit with Elsaadi Daad and the bit with Harper saying “”I’m not concerned or preoccupied in any way with reaction […]

More ads from 70s magazines

God bless Jamie Bradburn and his garbage-picking ways, for he has brought us more great CBC ads from the 70s. Click each one for a larger version and to read Jamie’s clever, informed annotations. And don’t miss his first batch.


CBC-TV is really taking it on the chin lately. And reading over some of these posts of mine, I’m downright grumpy. Maybe it’s the weather. So to cheer us all up I commissioned the great and fake Guylaine Saucier to make us a Motivational Desktop Wallpaper. It’s been specifically designed to give employees of CBC-TV […]

Globe and Mail apologizes; Andrew Ryan picks up where “Gayle HackDonald” leaves off

A correction today in the Globe, Thanks to Antonia: A noise complaint filed during a taping of the reality show Canadian Idol last Monday in Toronto did not originate from a CBC staff member. Incorrect information appeared in Globe Review on July 26. Coupled with a real crap piece of work from Andrew Ryan on […]