The madness of Don Cherry

Did anyone else see this Toronto Star readers’ poll on sports announcers?

Not surprisingly, [Don] Cherry managed to finish high in the greatest number of categories: first among hockey analysts, first as the guy whose microphone is most in need of a muffler and second to TSN’s Pierre McGuire as the mouth most readers would like to see covered in duct tape.

That came as no surprise to the Hockey Night In Canada mainstay, who says he will be back for another season.

“Was there any doubt?” he said yesterday. “That means the good people like me and the bleeding hearts and tree-huggers don’t like me. Perfect.”

Cherry pointed out a Vancouver paper named him the most-hated person in sports.

“The pinkos strike again,” he said with a laugh.

I know we’re not supposed to take Don seriously, and for the most part I get the joke. But this outburst borders on the paranoid.

Does he really think environmentalists care enough about Don Cherry to vote against him in a sports poll? Or that communists in Vancouver are plotting against him?

Can someone check in on Don, to make sure he’s ok?

No, seriously.


  • Anonymous says:

    At least when he leaves the CBC he will have enough suit jackets to start a suit rental business to rent out jackets to all the used car salesman in the country.

  • Anne Onnimus says:

    Much as I’m turned off by Don (and his wardrobe), I have to agree with frankel on this one. What we really need is a good dose of Don’s freedom of expression (or rather, his apathy regarding retribution) in CBC management.

    I won’t for a microsecond defend any of his view on specific topics — any topics — but I wish there were more around CBC who were willing to take chances. Or who failed to acknowledge that there are things that simply can’t be said or done.

    Don may not provide fresh air, but at least he has a different aroma from what’s usually exuded from the Corpse.

  • Anonymous says:

    To be honest, I dislike the man very much, and still cannot believe that he is still at the CBC. This man has more than once, in the past, been quite racist and culturally insensitive. As a francophone Canadian, I resent many of his comments. I hope he retires soon.

  • Frankel says:

    Most TV sportscasters are either pompous, overbearing moralists (Brian Williams) or anonymous, babbling drones (almost everyone else). For my money Cherry remains a breath of fresh air.

    Imagine! A guy with an opinion who doesn’t give a shit who approves of it! It’s a good thing there aren’t too many more like him at the CBC, otherwise the corp would actually present a broad spectrum of voices discussing issues openly and fearlessly. We can’t have that!

  • John says:

    Oh, I’m sure the tree-huggers sit in front of the CBC every Saturday night, exclaiming ‘Curse you, Don Cherry!’

    The people who voted against Cherry are people who just care about decent sports analysis. The game of hockey has changed. Cherry has not. It’s time the CBC retires him. I’m sure he’ll get work on Sportsnet or TSN.

    Hockey Night Canada did just fine before Cherry. It will do just fine after him.

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