What the Conservatives will do with the CBC (if they win)

“Set up the CBC as a private share capital organizetion, provide six months of current level support as start-up capital, lay off all employees using shares in place of severance pay, and walk away.”

“Appoint Conrad Black as head of the CBC.”

“Even as whorisly tainted as CBC is, it wouldn’t be good to get rid of it altogether right away, especially with the Olympics and the Stanley Cup playoffs down the road in the next few months….”

“I say find the political cajones to give them the money to fulfill their mandate. Then restore high-quality news services in the regions, and get some good comedy and drama happening on the TV.”

Ok, that last one was me. Read the rest of the discussion at Free Dominion.


  • jenkew says:

    Freakin free speech!

    Y’know, if no politician appears to care enough to put CBC on the radar, maybe CBC Sports will keep doing its thing (superb hockey and amateur sports/Olympics coverage)…we’ll win a gold medal in hockey…and no one with any decision-making power will notice the CBC till the next election.

    Fingers crossed.

  • Dwight says:

    In this particular instance, it’s intended to be Darwinically mean. I have no use for Social Darwinism personally, but it’s out there and we all have to be wary of it, whatever our thinking.

  • Kari says:

    Remember how sterile things were when the CBC was on strike?

    Who writes stuff like this:

    Set up the CBC as a private share capital organizetion [sic], provide six months of current level support as start-up capital, lay off all employees using shares in place of severance pay, and walk away.

    This is just mean. Freedom of expression stings sometimes… I couldn’t read any more after this.

  • Anonymous says:

    “Sell it or scrap it. Remember how refreshing things were when the CBC was on strike? I want that feeling back!”

    This from someone whose pithy signature quotes the wisdom of Dana Scully. Man – that is sad stuff.

  • Dwight says:

    I took 15 seconds’ worth of look-see and had to flee. Seriously.

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