Turning rebellion into money

I think both sides are learning from the CBC lockout blogs, and I think other companies are, too. I think that labour disputes in the future will have fake blogs on either side, just one more tool used to get the word out and confuse, like spies and full-page newspaper ads. I think the Golden Age of Lockout Blogs was last week.

But if there is a big announcement next week, then I guess the future of labour disputes came a lot faster than I thought it would.


  • Anonymous says:

    uh, if you turned off cbc radio two years ago, why are you tired of the incessant whining. and how would you know if they are whining? i’m just saying.

    I am more than willing to listen to the opinions of those who know of what they speak. to those who don’t. quit whining.

  • Anonymous says:

    Rob, is that you?

  • Anonymous says:

    I like that “cut the money off” idea best.

    Be sure it stays cut off, would you? I’m rather tired of paying taxes to hear the Canadian BashAmerica Corporation whine on incessantly about their pet leftist causes.

    And to think I used to listen to CBC radio nearly 12 hours a day. Grew up with it. I finally turned you off, for good, about two years ago.

    Turning off the money tap would be even more satisfying.

  • Anonymous says:

    I LOVE this, from Anonymous: ’œCBC and CMG are playing chicken. CBC is driving the audience, and CMG is driving the employees.’ What a great visual image.

    And I love this too, from another Anonymous: ’œWe’re all hurting, outside the building *and* in. We’re all CBCers (until we get fed up with the lockout and take a job at CTV), and we’re proud to be part of our beloved public broadcaster. The negotiaters HAVE to get back to negotiating.’

    Yes, please. Back to the table.

    But I have a question for Joe Visionary, and others who have suggested the feds should pull the grant for the duration of the lockout.

    I don’™t see why people think that would do anything but hurt public broadcasting. LESS money is bad for us all: staff, managers, the audience. I understand that emotionally, people would like to see mgmt punished – I just don’™t see the rationale for exhorting the feds to take away money from us. They’™ve been doing enough of that pre-lockout, in my opinion.

    And, as far as I know, the govt has never pulled our funding on a one-time basis because we (managers or staff) have done something it disagrees with. Do we really want this precedent? What if Martin doesn’™t like the way the National covers the sponsorship scandal, or Frulla doesn’™t think too much of the fall schedule. Surely we’™re in favour of a longer arm, not a shorter one.

    For the past few decades, the feds haven’™t been too friendly or far-sighted with respect to CBC: I’™m happy with them keeping their distance during this.

  • Joe Visionary says:

    I’d love to see Jack Layton’s idea succeed. He said that CBC money from the government should stop while regular production is stopped.

  • Anonymous says:

    The negotiaters have to get back to negotiating?

    For another 15 months?

    This “labour action” is useless; the Corp isn’t about to cave on what it considers sound business principles. The CMG isn’t going to agree to a thousand cuts.

    CBC and CMG are playing chicken. CBC is driving the audience, and CMG is driving the employees. After this is all over, neither one may be salvageable.

  • Anonymous says:

    justin, if ouimet truly is a manager, it’s a good bet she (or he — who knows) is not any more in control of negotiations than the rest of us.

    if management wants to communicate using blogs, I couldn’t care less. If we can just get the fat men talking to each other, it will be an improvement.

    We’re all hurting, outside the building *and* in. We’re all CBCers (until we get fed up with the lockout and take a job at CTV), and we’re proud to be part of our beloved public broadcaster. The negotiaters HAVE to get back to negotiating.

  • Justin Beach says:

    You may be right about everyone posting blogs, the question is where is management going to get credibility? Nothing personal, I mean the level of management that chose a lock-out. How would they get anyone to take them seriously when ‘blogging’? They control the tower, if they choose to use this forum rather than that one – how will they get anyone to see it as anything other than a gimmic ?

  • Anonymous says:

    neat – i caught it just in time – actually still had the original page opened in one tab, looked at comments in the other tab – then went back to the main page in the comment tab – now removed.

    sleep = good for paranoia.

  • Anonymous says:

    Come on… Posting a link in a blog is no major achievement. Anyone who reads instructions can do it. Behold: right above this comment entry box is text saying: You can use some HTML tags, such as [b], [i], [a]

    Adding an HTML link is seriously no great feat.

    As for ‘quietlytyping’ … it could be a plant, or it could be someone stilting his prose because he thinks it’ll read better. Who can say? For all we know, YOU could be a plant.

  • Anonymous says:

    hey ouimet,
    I’m the one who asked about vacation and rumours and I can assure you I’m real. Those were REAL questions. I don’t know if quietlytyping is full of shit or not. But, I’m not. I have your blog bookmarked and track it pretty consistnetly. That’s why I wrote back so quickly.

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