2 to 3 weeks

Rumours that the CBC is going to invite employees to cross the line and come back to work are just that: rumours.

False ones.


  • Ouimet says:

    That title sucks – sorry for the confusion. In all honesty this one was only half finished.

    What I heard is that it will be 2-3 weeks before anyone starts talking again. This seemed likee an odd prediciton, considering what both sides are saying publicly. But I heard it from a very well-placed person who should know.

  • streetwalker says:

    Well cmg fredericton, let’s hope it’s no longer than that. And let’s hope we have audiences when we return.

  • CMG Fredericton says:

    So, then, does the title of this post refer to haw long we have to wait before this foolishness is over?

  • Q. Pheevr says:

    Well, yeah. It wouldn’t be much of a lockout if they stopped locking people out, would it?

    By the way, I just found my way here from Azerbic, and I appreciate being able to read your insight and analysis on the lockout.

  • CuriousMonkey says:


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