Bye bye Slawko

I’m surprised he stayed on this long, to be honest. I’m still not too sure why he wasn’t offered the job he wanted.

Most everyone has a “kookie Ukie” story here. Personally, the man could be an ass. But that’s not a bad thing in this line of work.

Regardless, he knew what he was doing when it came ot programming. More than once I thought he was off his rocker, but when the numbers came in he was usually proved right. Despite his good instincts he turned down Corner Gas, the best CBC show not on the CBC.

For this, he cannot be forgiven.

Now, I hear Michelle Sparling is next. Unlike Slawko, that one is actually surprising.


  • Anonymous says:

    Rumour has it Rae Hull is angling for the job. Good grief.

  • Anonymous says:

    So Koleslaw Klymkiw is finally gone? Good riddance. The guy had no clue what people wanted to watch and what the CBC needed to produce and as a result all we got was an overdose of Rick Mercer. Really, he must take a lot of the blame for wehy CBC TV has become irrelevant to most Canadians — too political, too slanted, not entertaining or welcoming. Hopefully his replacement will understand the CBC needs to serve ALL Canadians and not just the Toronto elite.

  • Anonymous says:

    Since Slawko was the person responsible for CBC TV programming in recent years, he has to bear responsibility for the fact that CBC TV is not loved or valued by very many Canadians. It doesn’t matter how good the “business model” of CBC is. If we don’t reach the hearts and minds of Canadians, NOBODY WILL CARE. It starts with the lack of good kids’ programming on TV. Where’s the Friendly Giant of today? The Razzle Dazzle? Even the Street Legal? The only show people really seem to love, is Coronation Street, for goodness sake.

    Corner Gas is just one example. What about Canadian Idol? Or even the broadcasts of the Canadian Walk of Fame ceremonies? All on CTV!!

  • Anonymous says:

    I did congratulate him when he came out the Front St. entrance; for what it’s worth, he was family…


  • Anonymous says:

    Do you have a name? Just curious who I’m reading. Thanks.

  • Anonymous says:

    Jesus, so he got a big posting eh!

    I just wish I could pronounce his name.

    cabby Mike

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